Friday, January 3, 2020

No Excuses!

2020! Another year. For many it's a new start to a goal. A resolution. But also for many it never succeeds. I've been one of those someones. I even stopped making resolutions cause I knew it wouldn't go far. Plus I always thought, what's wrong with any other time of the year!? But here it is 2020!! And this year I will make it different!

Okay. Let me start with some personal shit about me. I have been in a battle with myself for a while now - years actually. I make excuses about anything and everything. I start to make the change but it eventually falls to the side for some reason or another. That "some reason or another" is an excuse!! Plain and simple.

Anywho, I was going to go into more personal detail but I don't think that it's necessary. I'll just give a little summery of what has come to me. I am sure many people have had similar things happen in their life and can relate without any lengthy personal detail.

I am a firm believer that if you ask you will receive. You just have to see it and take it. What you do with it after you received it is up to you. But don't bitch and complain if you decided to do nothing!
A book was brought to my attention called ~~~UNFUCK YOURSELF, Get out of your head and into your life, by Gary John Bishop ~~~ And yep, I took this as a sign. I checked the book out from the library and read it. I will say it was like a break down of an amazing book I have read and own called ~~~ THE POWER OF NOW, by Eckhart Tolle ~~~ After returning the book to the library I pulled my book from Eckhart Tolle off the shelf and started re-reading it (it's been years!). Here is a small look at my notes of all the things that happened to me since I asked - and received.

December 18, 2019 ~~ Unfuck Yourself:
You are your thoughts. If you say you are lazy then you will be lazy. If you say you are a procrastinator then you will be one. Your brain is wired to win. Change your thoughts, change what you're winning. If you say you are worthless you will be so that you can WIN and prove you are. Therefore you've succeeded by winning at what you think of yourself. We create our own reality with our minds. We have to stop the blame game! Stop blaming luck, others, circumstances, your childhood, even yourself. Just stop blaming!! Accept what happens to you that you had no say in but understand that YOU ARE 100% RESPONSIBLE for what you do with your life afterwords. ALWAYS, EVERY TIME, NO EXCUSES! You have to be willing to change your thoughts and life. Nothing else matters when you are willing to do what it takes. And you won't put off what you are truly willing to do. YOU HAVE THE LIFE YOU ARE WILLING TO PUT UP WITH.

December 24, 2019 ~~ Wicca Spirituality 'Zine:
* Launch into 2020 by opening yourself up to new possibilities and taking inventory of your life - what you want more of, what you want to let go of...
* You will be propelled to go after your desires, set goals and do your best!
* 2020 will be a year for change and actualization of your goals, the Universe is supporting you in achieving it so be mindful of what you want.

Quotes I came across:
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" - Audrey Hepburn
"What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create." - Buddha
In reality, other people liking you is a bonus. You liking yourself is the real prize. - Unknown

December 24, 2019 ~~ opened gifts with my boys:
They got me a ring. An amethyst in the center of two metaphysical stones.
* Amethyst - a physical representation of the Violet Ray of transformation. (my birthstone)
* Moldavite - extraterrestrial origins, a rare beautiful form of Tektite. From a meteoric impact about 15 million years ago Moldavite was formed. It has been treasured for its spiritual properties. It's a stone of good fortune. Truly a stone of transformation. Attracting whatever people and circumstances are needed for one's highest good.

December 28, 2019 ~~ watched a video:
10% is what happens to you and 90% is how you react. Change your brain! No one can bring you down or pull you down more than YOU!! Make goals and write them down. OWN IT! BE ACCOUNTABLE TO YOURSELF!

Everything seems to be pushing me in the direction I need. I just need to listen, take hold and DO IT! Transformation is a big part of it all. I want to transform me, my life. I was amazed at what was happening. Excited too! I am ready to start a whole new year, new me, new life!! Then something else happened.

January 2, 2020 ~~ Gift from a stranger:
Went to visit a metaphysical store with herbs and stones galore. Wow was it an awesome store. The stones were amazing. My Mama would love the herb collection. I purchased a candle that called out to me - Manifest & Receive. After leaving the shop a man came out and called to us. Asking us to wait a minute and he went to get something. He came back and said that the owner told him to give these stones to us. He handed me one and my Aunt DeeDee two (one for her and one for someone she is to give it to). It was an Obsidian, Apache Tear - For protection from negative energy; strong grounding; aids in showing truth; will absorb grief and release old hurts; allow you to forgive without bitterness; clear negative emotions; lift the spirit.

Wow! At this point I was tearing up. I am trying to wrap my brain around everything that has been happening. This is my year. Hell, it could be anyones year!! Are you willing? I am! Let's do this!


⭒Blessed Be⭒

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