We eat healthier.....if you haven't noticed (ha). So tonight I made some homemade chicken nuggets. Served it with mac-n-cheese and seasoned green beans. Yes, you can have mac-n-chees even if you are eating healthier. Remember it is not so much of what you eat.....but how much you eat. So for the mac-n-cheese you are to have 1/3 cup for your serving. Two cups of green beans, which work really well for me as I love green beans! And 3-4 oz of protein. So anywho....back to the chicken nuggets.
I took two breasts and cut them into chunks. Mix a little mayo with a little bbq sauce (of your choice of course). We used chipotle flavored. Coat chicken then coat in bread crumbs. Place on baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes. Any again....yes I know - "eating healthy and you use mayo and bbq sauce".....well here is the thing - still healthier that those so called chicken nuggets you get at the store. I know what it in mine. And they are baked not fried. You can always use a lite mayo and just season it with spices and herbs if you don't want to use bbq sauce. Either way......how much not what!
I thought they were o:kay. They were very moist and the boys liked them. But I don't think they were good enough to get a spot in my book. Oh well.
To season my green beans: I use either chicken or ham granule flavoring. Then I add some onion and garlic powder. If I have any available I use chopped onion and garlic. Again, just doing this to the green beans makes them a big hit with hubby and kids. (David says this is why he if fat.....'cause I cook good food....hahaha). No it is because he eats a lot of it! (Love you honey!)
Man do we need new plates!
Yeah, but if your food sucked I wouldn't eat as much.