Monday, April 30, 2012


We do a lot of cooking on the grill. David thought this one deserved a spot on the blog. We had homemade teriyaki chicken (from what I marinade in the freezer), cut up potatoes seasoned with oil and what ever seasoning I through on them and carrots seasoned with oil and honey. Everything cooked on the grill and it was a fantastic dinner!

Homemade tortilla chips

So David and I make homemade tortilla chips. We don't eat chips anymore so once in a great while we'll make these. We take corn tortillas and cut them into triangles. Lay them on a baking tray and spray with cooking spray. Flip and spray the other side too. Sprinkle with salt.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fountain in the lake

We got a fountain in the lake! It is awesome! There is also a light at night! Cool. Like I need more reasons to stare out the back. We really like it though. I took this picture one morning before work.

Playing with the camera

This is just me playing with my camera. I was killing time before I headed off to work. I think they turned out okay. Our phones don't have a front facing camera so I have to use the mirror. One day we will get better phones. Until then these are great! That is also how we take the videos....with our phone. So can't complain. They do what we need and want. Anywho, here are the pictures.

Home girl needs to lose some more weight! I will defiantly have to before we go visit David's family in Germany. I like German food! Won't be good, so will have to plan that one, hun?

Scout Awards

Here is our handsome boy in uniform at a Scout award meeting. David is not real good with his phone camera, but that's okay. He got the pictures none the less. And there is his shaved head, the way he likes it.

David's project finally done

Well David started the window project a while back. I knew it would take a while to get it done. But he did it! Nori helped him with this project. The evening sun comes through the top living room windows like mad! Nothing we tried worked - blinds, curtains. The angel of the windows was the reason for this problem. So we thought about other options. I like contact paper so I told David about the idea of using it on the windows. At first he wasn't into the idea, but I reassured him it will be fine and look okay. Plus down the line we will be putting plants up there so you won't see much and it will cut down on the sun blinding us every evening. We covered the windows in contact paper. It wasn't anything fancy. But the heat shrunk the contact paper a little and through the small cracks the sun found its way back in to blind us. So David got this idea to help with the cracks and also make it look better and not just plain. This took him some time with the help of Nori. But it finally was finished and we like it! David thinks it looks a little like bamboo. I like it. Good job guys!

They're so fluffy!!

I go nuts when it comes to baby animals. I have been trying to get these ducks close enough for pictures for a long time. David and I went shopping. I was getting out of the truck and they ran up to me!! OMG! Right? So I of course went nuts. Took pictures, video and more pictures. They were acting hungry so I feed them a piece of bread. Awwww.......

Lily's tub

David gave Lily a bath in one of my small metal tubs. 
He wanted pictures to post so I am posting it. She is so cute!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sit Bobo Sit, Good Dog!

So here is our big baby boy, Lunchbox. He is just chillin' out!

Mini Marshmallow Gun

At scouts last week they made these awesome mini marshmallow guns. Load a mini marshmallow in it and blow really hard! It was fun. And made of PVC pipe. Awesome!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


We went to Cub Scouts the other day and David and I went for a walk while Logan did his scout thing. On our walk we came across these owls. They are so small and cute. There were a lot of them around! We took pictures the best we could and only got one good picture. Oh well at least we got the one.

More baby ducks

There are more baby ducks. Can't get good pictures. They run when I walk outside. So from inside the porch I took a short video to try and capture their cuteness!! (smile)


Lily must have been pretty darn tired sleeping with her nose smashed on the couch.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Tell someone you love them today because life is short.

But shout it at them in German because life is also terrifying and confusing.

.....So I say - I love you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


What a yummy place to eat! We have been here in the past but it has been about 2 years since we have been. So we went and was reminded how wonderful the food is - and plenty! Logan and I ordered chicken and I think we got turkey (haha). They gave us the whole breast! We don't eat a lot of food and so this was so much left over we had plenty to last a few days. Next time we could just get one plate of chicken and the 4 of us could eat from it and be full!! What a plate!!

Sweet Ride!

My parents needed a new car - bad! And they got one. A really nice Kia Soul. We have an awesome Kia dealership here. I am so happy for them! It is a nice ride. Here it is.....

Friday, April 13, 2012

My first paycheck!

O:kay not my first paycheck ever! But with the new job I have. I know it's not much, but I only work part time - when I want. This is only 7 hours of work. Picking up more hours as I go. I am happy with it. It is what I wanted. And you should be happy doing what you do in life!


Bingo for Books

At our son's school last night was 'Bingo for Books' night. He wanted to go and he showed us one of his pictures on the hall way wall. Pretty cool.

So we continued on into the cafeteria to play some bingo. David and I played along too.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chicken Spaghetti

I got this recipe from my Uncle Jim and Aunt Sally. I have altered it, like I do with most recipes. I will give you the way I do it and then give you the way the recipe calls for it to be done. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dentist time

Logan had his dentist cleaning today, first thing this morning before school! He hates it because he is scared of a tooth brush (haha). The first picture is before the hygienist even started. So they go in order of before, during and after. Then he went to school and I went to work. Busy morning!

Money Saving Popcorn

We have decided to save money on popcorn. First stop buying the microwave kind. Spend a few dollars on a popper that you like. I don't like air poppers so I got one that uses oil for around $30. Then just buy the kernels, I get the store brand for around $1-2 a bag depending on the size of the bag. People usually have oil already because it is a staple in most homes. Then you are ready to start saving! Plus you are not getting whatever they put in the microwave ones. There are ways to do your own microwave popcorn with a brown lunch bag but we have tried that. Don't like at all how it works. So this is the best way for us.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Out with my man!

I had lunch with my little man today. David was at work, Nori was at a friends, I didn't have to work and there was no, Logan and I went out to lunch. Yes, McDonald's was the place. We enjoyed our time together. He wanted me to take the picture of him while he was taking a bite. All the fun will be gone tomorrow time!

Comments should work now

I was playing with the blog editing page and found a setting that will allow anyone to post a comment. In the past we were told that a comment couldn't be added unless the person had their own blog page. Which I thought was crazy. Today I changed it to allow anyone to post. So hopefully it works for people that don't have or want a blog.

Well it's official!

When I got home form work on friday I took Nori to the DMV to get her operators license. (There was no school on friday). She is now official to drive without one of us in the vehicle with her. And because she took the driving class in school she didn't have to take anything at the DMV, they just had to change it from a permit to an operators. Yea....she was sooo happy!!! Of course she is still looking for a job with no luck. But I know that she will find one! I will be taking her and her friend job hunting this coming Saturday. Hopefully she will be getting her car soon that way when she gets a job she won't have to worry about me taking her back and forth. Plus she can drive to school and not have to take the bus anymore.

Next year.............graduation!! Wow

Easter Sunday

We had a good Easter. Hope everyone else did too.
Just some pictures of our easter.

Brussels Sprouts

These looked so pretty when I was making them for dinner, I just had to take a picture.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

We went Bonkers!

We went to try out the food at this new place we found.

Portion Control

Everyone knows, or should know, that portion control is important to eating right. But you have to measure and count every time you want to eat something. We don't like doing all that but if we don't we could easily over eat. So I pre-measure and pre-count. I take snack bags and count out grapes, turkey pepperoni, carrots and so on. My kids will grab a snack bag of grapes before they pull out the large container they come in from the store. I also pre-measure the chicken (from an earlier post) before bagging and freezing. When I pull out a bag for dinner I know it will feed the 4 of us and no leftovers to go to waste!

Weekday Swim

It was very hot the other day. So when David got home he wanted to go to the pool for a cool down. We only stayed for about an hour. Still had to cook dinner before it got too late in the day.

Glasses, again

Nori's second pair of glasses she got finally came in. They are really nice, too. Both pair look good on her. She likes these the most though.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wonderful buy

We went shopping over the weekend and I get these chicken tenderloins. They come 4-6 tenderloins in each individual package (Perdue). And I take them out of the packages, put them in a freezer bag, add marinade freezer. I got 7 freezer bags of flavored chicken. One bag is one meal portion size for the 4 of us. After making these I remembered to take pictures!

Slow at all this

I am not real good at this blog thing. I have pictures David wanted me to put on here and I haven't yet. Along with all the other pictures days later there are a lot of pictures. Well, hey, at least we are getting the hang of taking pictures (smile). O:kay some days ago David wanted me to take a picture of our breakfast. It had to be over the weekend because he eats breakfast at work during the weekday. We had turkey bacon, tomato and egg bagel sandwich. He had the ET (everything) bagel and I had a cheese bagel.