Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Garden Update

What's going on in the garden? Lots! As in lots have died...😒
But lets focus on the ones still hanging in there and doing good....so far.
Plus some other plants in the yard just because they are nice!

Here we'll start with the corn. So pretty! And these are older pictures that are over due to be posted. I'll have to get newer ones to show you the cobs that are now on the stalks!!

 This is a succulent clipping my mother-in-law gave me. It's doing so darn good and growing so big! The flowers are very nice and I really enjoy them when they bloom on this plant!

 This is my table with my succulents/cactus and orchids. I will one day make a cactus/succulent garden for them and put the orchids in trees.

 Transplanted these into this neat looking planter and I'm not happy with it. Once I find something different I'll move them from this planter. But it does look nice in there.

 My beautiful desert rose. Trying to find where I want this in the yard.

 Will have to get more pictures of the butterfly garden cause it is so nice now! I have more plants in it and the plants are all doing do good and growing so nice!! Very happy with the butterfly garden!

 My banana plants were doing really well. But then the one on the right seemed to of died. I am trying to care it back to health as of now. So far it looks like it might pull thru. Fingers crossed.

 I don't know the name of this succulent but it blooms these tiny little flowers! The picture doesn't do it justice. They are go different and nice. I'll try to get better pictures.

 My papayas are growing slow. We don't live in the sub-tropical area of Florida anymore so the fruit doesn't seems to grow as fast and hardy here as it does down there. But as long as it grows I'm happy! The one on the right was the one that the big dog ran over and broke the plant down to just a nub. That is now growing 2 trunks of another papaya plant...nice!!

 Again, my moringas are also growing slow. The one on the left I almost lost, yep, because of the big dog running it over! Since these pictures tho we have done work to the yard and it seems to be growing better now that we have it protected from him.

 The only thing growing in this bed is 2 sad tomato plants, 1 bell pepper plant and like 3 marigold plants. The rest are weeds. We also cleaned the garden beds up when doing yard work. So they look better but now more empty. Oh well. This is my learning garden. This is our first year not only in this house but in this area of Florida. So we're learning.

 This bed completely died thanks mostly to the squirrels! The only thing growing are 2 marigolds.

 Blueberries! I have no idea how to grow them...lol. So I really can't tell you if they are doing good or not. I can tell you the plant itself is growing and doing good.

 The asparagus is growing good.

 This is the only zucchini that survived...so far.

 Okay now lets talk potatoes. They grew like wide fire! They were great, amazing and vibrant! I was so proud and happy with the potatoes. But when it was time to harvest there were no potatoes. Strange. I have grown them before and did well with getting potatoes. The only way I use to grow them was I would just bury the potato and leave it be to grow. With this crop I tried a new method I heard about that everyone said works better and yields more potatoes! So I gave it a try. Didn't work at all for me. I think I'll just go back to the way I was growing them.

 The carrots are doing really well! I just don't know when to harvest...lol
I've never done them before so I'm not sure. I'll have to do some research.

Okay folks.....That's all.
The first post of the garden showed what was growing in the garden. I lost a lot this first time. Mostly the squirrels were my biggest problem. We lost the green beans, peas, lettuce, spinach, all but 1 of the zucchini, all but 2 of the tomatoes, all but 1 bell pepper! Oh well, it is what it is. Hubby has some really awesome ideas for my next garden. Can't wait to just take the learning from this one and try a new one! Hopefully we'll have better luck next time.

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