Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Well we finally got an eckbunk. As far as I know that is German for corner nook. We have always wanted on but didn't really have the kind of kitchen or dinning room for one. Here in our new home tho, it made sense to have one. This home is smaller than any of our pervious homes and the layout makes it the best table for us. So....yay....we finally can get one. Hubby and son put it together and we so love it! Of course with my big boys it kinda looks really small when they sit at it. But when it's by it's self or just me it seems a really good size. Okay, on to the eckbunk!

They made the corner bench it a little, okay a lot, difficult to put this together with one or even two people! At one point you need three people. Then the rest could be one to two. So if you don't have at least 3 people sitting around when you go to put this together....good luck! And if you figure out how to do it with one person let it be known! lol The picture on the right, above is before they needed me. Then I had to help before getting back to picture taking.

Once that was done hubby finished the table and small bench on his own. One person job for those.

I think it turned out really nice! Very happy with it. It moves easily also which is a plus for getting in and out of the bench or moving it to clean. Not sure if we are going to add cushions. Time will tell. Heck, maybe I'll get the idea to crochet something for the seats.  :-)

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