Wednesday, October 16, 2019

African Vegetables

Other good book that's out there that I'd like to read is 'The China Study' by Dr. T. Colin Campbell. He talked about his book in a documentary we watched. I did find one of the cookbooks at the library and is where I came across this recipe. There are a few cookbook too. I can't remember which one I had from the library so you'll just have to have fun looking through the awesome recipes from what you have at your library. This recipe is a loved meal in our home! It makes a large pot full and there aren't leftovers! I made it while my parents were visiting and my dad liked it so much he wanted the recipe! I must let you know that I have changed the recipe a little. So you're not surprised if you get the cookbook and notice it's slightly different. I do that often with recipes as I use what I have and/or like. I don't remember what I changed so this is my version.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Autumn Garden Vegetable Soup

One of my favorite cookbooks is 'The Starch Solution' from Dr. John McDougall. (my other favorite cookbook is 'The Healthiest Diet on the Planet' also from Dr. John McDougall). What can I say, I'm a McDougall fan! His newest book the time we went plant based was Healthiest Diet. I fell in love with in recipes. So I got the Starch Solution book next (it came out before the Healthiest Diet). I also use their website for more recipes. Anywho, I'm getting off track.

This recipe is such a big hit in my house. My boys aren't fans of soup. But the first time I made this soup my son ate 4 bowls!! I make it often and to this day we still love it.