Sunday, February 2, 2014


So I have some tidbits of pictures to share. A few things from me and from Logan. I decided to just post them together to make the post a little bigger.

This is what happens when the nights are really cold!!  lol
He stayed that way the whole night.

I bought some popsicle molds. My mom had some when my brother and I were little. Probably from Tupperware. Well, I wanted some and all I could find were these cheap molds (nothing like Tupperware). But my son loved them. He was so excited to see that we could make our own. So on new years eve he made fudge pops! All by himself. He got online and looked for a recipe. Then he found all the ingredients in the pantry and went to fixin' the pops! I am so proud of him for doing it all by himself! They were super good!!

Now because this was new years eve, we were outside drinking with the neighbors. Nori also was doing some drinking. And when she got drunk she 'thought' she was helping Logan make these, but instead she would make a mess and then leave. At one point he looked at David and begged him to take sissy away so he could finish what he started. It was so funny!! She doesn't remember.

I started a small veggie garden just to see if it would work. Where we used to live NOTHING would grow!!! No matter what I did; compost, manure, store bought soil....nothing worked and nothing grew. 

Here are the tomatoes I started. I just took the seeds from a tomato I had and planted them in the soil. They grew really nicely. Then a worm invaded and I have been fighting them for a few weeks now. My plants are still alive, thank goodness. But they are fighting. Those damn worms are just eating the hell out of it. I look for them and pull them off and dispose of them. 

These are potatoes I started also. They grew faster than I have ever seen anything grow!!
These pictures were just a few days apart!!

 This one is about a week, week and a half after I planted them! Beautiful!
I can't wait to harvest and see what we get!

Then I tried some avocado seeds. I miss our avocado tree we had on our property! I started like 5-6 seeds. None were taking. So I got rid of the ones that were no more. I took two that were not yet gone gone but not sure they were going to grow either, gave one to my neighbor and put the other in a pot I have on our screen porch. Weeks went by and I wasn't doing anything. I chalked it up as gone. Then one day I saw this.....
Holy shit!!! Look at it! I am so excited and hopes that it does good and grows strong.
One of my neighbors down the street had a seed growing and gave it to me knowing I was struggling getting one to root. I put the one they gave me in the front yard and it is still going strong. So now I have two!! And I think they are different kinds. They are both growing different and the leaves are awesome!!

These are bell peppers. Again, like the tomatoes, I just took the seeds from bells peppers I had and planted them. I had green, yellow and red. I can't remember whats what. Who cares. If they continue to grow and bare veggies I'll be happy with that! Hell, I'm happy they are just growing!

These are seeds from a cantaloupe I had. They started out beautiful but not looking so good now. Oh well, it is what it is. It's more than what I would get on the property we used to have.

Not pictured: banana tree, pineapple (2), pepper plant (from a neighbor down the street), and a chayote plant. I started the chayote form the veggie itself. Also, another neighbor planted sunflower seeds in my front yard by the trailer under the living room windows.

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