Friday, June 29, 2012

Some pictures of us

We had to go out to eat the other day because the community we live in was working on a broken water line. So with no water, no cooking what I was planning. While out David took random pictures with his phone and this is what he got.

The "I" in Team (haha)

Today's kids

Little Flower

I was in an open grass area and there stood this one flower all by itself.

What a job!

My hubby, David, had to make a safety video with his co-workers. It turned out cool. Then the other day he was given this!! Who would of thunk it? Having fun at work and getting an award for it - wow!

It doesn't look as good on here because I had to mark out the company name and logo and the names that were signed on it. Oh well.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A post from David

Star Wars Room

This one has a lot of pictures. Logan wanted is room to be colors of the Star Wars Death Star (gray and red). So I thought about what to do. It took awhile but I came up with this idea and David helped me with it. Here is the project:

The Posse

Our daughter Nori is riding around in her car that she got and look who she takes with her (haha). Her car is so little and she puts 3 big guys in it! Plus one was following behind on his motorcycle. I told David....well, we don't have to worry about someone messing with her if she has those friends with her. The one in the front seat is her boyfriend (so Uncle Johnny knows what he looks like!) haha  ;-)

Thursday, June 14, 2012


I am not a camper. I have been camping plenty. Don't like it though. Don't like the tent idea. Don't like the bugs and the fact that there is no bathroom with a toilet and shower or hot water! Don't like sleeping on the ground - the pain in my back now-a-days makes it impossible. Then I found this!

Kitchen re-do in the works

We bought a fixer upper double wide mobile home (aka: trailer). Our daughters room was done (check). Our sons room is in the process and should be done this weekend (check). We are slowly working on the kitchen while we do other things. 
Lets catch up on things....

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Nori and Blue - the makeover

We got Nori her first car over 3 weeks ago - it's name is Blue. It needed some repairs. Her grandpa has a shop in his back yard so she took it there and they worked on it. He fixed the very important things and also did little things. It turned out nice. I will get better pictures of the paint job, it has glitter in it!! Awesome!! (I want glitter.)

Daddy and Son Day!

David and Logan had a day to themselves. They went out mini golfing, go cart riding and game playing! Then they went out to lunch. Man sounds like they had a really good day together! Glad they did!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Just some sayings I like

*Don't focus on who you are not. Be thankful and accept who you are.

*Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
  So work like you don't need money.
  Love like you've never been hurt.
  Dance like no one's watching.

*Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - Theodore Roosevelt

*Don't dwell on the past, you can't relive it. 
 Don't plan the future, you can't depend on it.

*Love the people who treat you right.
  Forget about the one's who don't.
  Believe everything happens for a reason.
  If you get a chance, take it and
  If it changes your life, let it.
  Nobody said life would be easy.
  They just promised it would most likely be worth it!

*Enjoy life NOW - it HAS an expiration date!

*Remember, if you haven't got a smile on your face and laughter in your heart.......then you are just an old sour fart! :-)

David and I feel that what you put out in the world you get back. So put out good and positive and you will get good and positive back! We do it and it works. Just ask and you shall receive. Enjoy life!!